

Umuvandimwe wacu Marie K. yatwandikiye anenga anunganira umunyamakuru wa Shikama Gatendo A. ku nyandiko ye iheruka yerekeranye n'intambara Kagame ariho agaba kuri Tanzania.

Nzagutegera ahantu hizewe ngukindure

Uzabaze ibyo twakoreye Idi Amin sha

Bavandimwe  bakurikira urubuga Shikama,

Inkuru ziza ari nyinshi tugasoma  tugatangara kubera nk'ibyo bya Kagame byo gutera Tanzania, aliko haba ubwo habonekamo commentaires naho yaba ari ijambo rimwe njye bikantera kwibaza ku bantu baba badutariye ayo makuru.
Umuntu wiyita Gatendo A. yahoze atubwira ibyo abamaneko ba Kagame bafatiwe I Der-Es Salam, aliko uburyo aruciriye perezida w'igihugu ngo yavuze ijambo rizamushyira mu mazi abira,  ngo akwiye guhura na Kagame bakareba uko (BAKWIYUNGA ahari nibyo ashaka kuvuga) ngo kuko ibyo yavuze ashobora kuba yarivugiraga ku giti cye Leta ye atayibajije, byanteye kwibaza niba ahubwo atabogamiye ku bari gutera Tanzania.
Uyu muntu azansobanurire ibi bikurikira:
1. Igihe Tanzania yahatiraga perezida Habyarimana gushyikirana n'INKOTANYI za Kagame, harya Habyarimana yavuze ko agiye gufata Mwinyi mu ijosi ngo amunige???Ese yohereje ibitero muli Tanzania???Ese Habyarimana nubwo yumvaga bitamulimo ntiyabyemeye???Ese ni uko yari igicucu kitazi kurwana nka Kagame???
2.Perezida wa Tanzania kimwe n'abandi baperezida baturiye akarere(BAZIMA), ntabwo afite uburenganzira bwo kuvuga ijambo nk'iri "GUSHYIKIRANA HAGAMIJWE AMAHORO"?????..Ese ni ngombwa ko ijambo  nk'iri rigomba guteranya inama ya Guverinema ngo babanze bavuge inama azagira abantu mu nama agiyemo????Ese ubundi iri jambo koko rimwaye hehe ku buryo ngo ryashyira umuntu w'umperezida mu mazi abira????Ese wawundi  se wa Kagame (ndlr:Museveni Kaguta)iyo ajya imbere y'abaperezida batanu batandatu agaca iteka ko abahutu bagomba kubashushubikanya bakabaroha mu ishyamba ry'inzitane muli RD Congo aho batazagaruka iBUNTU kugira ngo abatutsi babone amasambu muli Kivu, harya aba yabajije Leta ye ngo abivuge????//Burya se ijambo nk'iri ritwika akarere ko nabonye ntawe ucira Museveni amazi abira ni uko yavuze neza????None umuntu uvuze ko ibyiza ari uko abantu bajya mishyikirano  ngo amahoro atahe mu karere ngo  yishyize mu mazi abira!
3. Kuva igihe yabivugiye harya hashize igihe kingana iki??/Ni ukuvuga ko iyo Leta itaramenya ko Kagame yarakaye ndetse akavuga ko azamukubita ifuni akamurambika?????Ahari wenda ayo niyo mazi abira Gatendo avuga????Icyo gihe Kagame yatangiye kugaba ibitero ari nabwo abanyarwanda bamwe birukanywe na Leta ya Tanzania bakoherezwa iwabo mu Rwanda..None se ayo mazi abira ataragaragaye icyo gihe araza guterwa n'ibi by'ubungubu??/
4. Musome uriya mugereka uri hasi, maze mwunve neza uburyo ibi bitero ari PLAN YATEGUWE KERA. Iyo nyandiko ifite original mu giswahili na link umenya nayihashyize...yahinduwe mu cyongereza n'abantu bazi indimi zombi..Iyi nyandiko ya Pasitoro MUTAKILI yakozwe hambere ngira ngo ni muli 2012; ndumva ririya jambo ry'urwitwazo ritari ryanarota kuvugwa!!!!!!!Uvuga ko Kikwete ahura na Kagame njye sinzi icyo ashaka kugeraho...Niba ari umunyamahoro, niba arimo kudupima ngo arebe uko dutekereza simbizi. Kagame utariyunze na Patirike  Karegeya ntiyiyunge na Kayumba Nyamwasa akagandagura Ndadaye, Ntaryamira, Habyarimana, akaba yarivugiye izuba riva ko agiye kumena uwo wa Tanzania umutwe, none ngo nibahure!!!!!!Niba Atari ukwigiza nkana  kuvuga ibi bintu kuli uru rubuga ni ukurwanduza.
Marie K.



(Rwandese involved in inhumane acts against the Sukuma People.)

This is the information of the burning down of 500 houses belonging to the Sukuma People, together with tones of their crops such as wheat, maize, beans, sorghum, lentils, uwele, serena…and their other properties in Burigi Area, Muleba District.

The pepetrators tried to cover this heinious act under the name of the Operation “Save the Environment”.

It is stipulated in our Constitution and Law that the perpetrators have to be seriously charged and sentenced furthermore all the people who were victims of this barbaric act, must be compensated for their property and the terrible suffering that they went through.
After their houses and property were burnt down, many people are sheltered in churches and others are in bushes, fleeing that terrible event and the looting of their properties.
Villages that were destroyed include Nyamiranda, Itunzi, Kasharara and Kiteme.
The attack went on and reached some villages in Karagwe and Biharamulo Districts as confirmed by the Kagera Regional Commissioner to the various Media Groups such as Mtanzania Number 7142 of November 17th 2012.
The explanation given by the Kagera Regional Commissioner Col. Fabian Massawe to that terrible attack against the Sukuma Ethnic people echoeing that of the Minister of Land Prof. Anna Tibaijuka, who is also the Member of Parliament of Muleba South Constituency, that it was a special operation aiming at removing the illegal immigrants, grazing thousands of cows in Buligi Game Reserve, was correct.

But the Sukuma People aren’t illegal immigrants because they are born in their Country (Tanzania) on the other hand; those thousands of cows don’t belong to Sukuma People but to Tutsis of Rwandan Origin.

There is no one who doesn’t know that the main objective of starting the United Nations was to protect the rights and equality of all the people in the World, so that peace prevails and to bring about prosperity for mankind.

That is why that Policy of Colonial Masters of segregating the Black People in what they termed as “Apartheid” which was opposed by the entire World and abolished.

Even the Mandela’s heroism that surpassed that of all every leader in the World, got it because of his selflessness in fighting for equality of all races in the World.

But the Apartheid of the Colonial Masters didn’t equal the evil behavior of the Tutsis in how they persecute Hutus and other Bantus, in their very dirty belief that they were born to rule while Hutus were born for just becoming their slaves.

It is terrible prejudice well known of how Tutsis spit in the face of Hutus or other Bantus with a great despise as if they were shit!
And this satanic belief of theirs is the origin of all the tricks and plans of ruling not only the Great Lakes Region but all of the Bantu Africa.
The attitude of Tutsis of literally eating first then throw the leftovers to their slaves (Hutus), after spitting on the same leftovers, it is a well known habit by almost every one in this Great Lakes Region of Africa.
Even when they (Tutsis) felt their economic progress was in danger, the Tutsi Women opted in getting married in the well-to-do Bantu families but refusing to bear them children instead making sure they are sleeping with their fellow Tutsi Men to get kids, even their own brothers or other close relatives (incest).

History will hail the Hero Gregory Kayibanda-the Late President of Rwanda-more than it will for Nelson Mandela of South Africa, because he headed the anti-apartheid Movement in Rwanda in 1959.

It is mandatory that the entire World respects the truth that many Tutsis fled Rwanda after the Revolution, due to the reason that they found it unacceptable to be governed by their slaves.

Tutsis fled to Burundi and Tanganyika to their father Julius Nyerere, to regroup themselves so that, one day, they go back to Rwanda to have their power restored.

According to their satanic belief, Tutsis consider Tanganyikans to be idiots the same as their fellow Bantus or simply Hutus!
Even with no doubt, Tutsis inherit from their parents that belief that we were born to save them as their slaves.

That superiority complex was enhanced by the propaganda of serfdom among Tanzanians to consider Tutsis as better than Hutus and even we Tanzanians ourselves.

This gave them the loophole of infiltrating all the sensitive posts in the leadership of our Country, this together with their fame in bribing with money but also with their ladies (the Tutsi Sexual Diplomacy).
This is the same manner with which they were able to conquer the opinion of the International Community which approved and supported their crimes of mass execution of more than 6 million Hutus, and even changing the reality about the Rwandan Genocide saying that it is Hutus who massacred Tutsis!

This was the reason why when our Country hosted the Tutsi and Hutu Refugess, Tutsis were more favored and were served as kings and were trained so that one day they would go back to conquer Rwanda.

Though Rwanda was under a democratic rule of Hutus who made up 85% of the Population, Tutsis making only 14%, it was considered unacceptable for Tutsis being under the Hutu rule as they are looked upon as their slaves!

It is the truth that the consequences of corruption and serfdom of our leaders, who believe in the “Superiority” of Tutsis, it is to please them and their Patron Nyerere by involving our Government in the following:

  1. The massacre of more than 6,000,000 Hutus
  2. The invasion of the Republic of Rwanda through Uganda and Burundi, whereby a big plan was done in our Country under the supervision of the CCM Government.

  1. The direct involvement of the assassination of 3 Hutu Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi respectively ie: Melchior Ndadaye, Juvenal Habyalimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira together with their entire delegation, and the other devilish horror that followed.

  1. To sell out to Tutsi serfdom and plot to have the entire Great Lakes Region in their Empire, in helping them to join the East African Community (EAC) infringing on the very fundamental rules governing this Community-because they didn’t qualify to be members-on the bases of their Apartheid and Genocide.

To support the invasion of DRC that was carried out by Kagame and Museveni, our Leaders put to shame our entire Nation by refusing to participate in the SADC Army (SADC Alliance) that was sent to help our brothers against the invaders and our Government lied to the whole World that it didn’t support neither side of the belligerents.

  1. To send to RPF more than a million Hutus in one of despicable abuses, who had fled to Tanzania to escape the terrible massacres perpetrated by RPF against them that had invaded their Country, RPF killed most of them and dumped their bodies in thousands in Kagera River, floating in Lake Victoria to the extent that General Mboma threatened to invade Rwanda to stop those barbaric acts done by RPF, in case they wouldn’t stop it immediately.

Our Country is going to face the wrath of the Almighty God!

Signs are already clear!

We can stop our stupidity and reconcile with the Almighty God, or face the bigger punishment than that which befell Egypt, and which will be unforgettable by all generations!

Due to corruption and serfdom of the leaders of our Country in favor of the Tutsis, without any shame nor fear of our Almighty God, they welcomed ICTR in our Land, this being the ultimate tool to assist Tutsis in their planned extermination of all the intellectual and economically abled Hutus.

Kenya refused ICTR on her land, because of their fear of God and because it was a tool for Genocide that left millions of Hutus dead and followed even the 2.5 million survivors in their refugee camps in DRC and finished them up!
To put the Tutsis in all the powerful positions of our Country that enabled the Tutsis to conquer our Country Policy so that it is done in the favor of the Tutsis in the exchange of our the respect of our Country as well as the well being of our Nation.
And it is not a secret that the origin of that curse that was revealed in the Book of …by the Almighty God, was the work of dictator Julius Nyerere, who is now being praised in a godly manner and given the title of the Country’s Founding Father.

The implementation of Nyerere’s Dream of putting all the Great Lakes under the Empire of Tutsis is being pushed forward by his sons, dictators Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame who slaughtered more millions of human beings compared to Adolf Hitler!

The EAC Propaganda that is tirelessly being lobbied by these Tutsis is nothing else but the implementation of their Tutsi Empire.

Dictator Yoweri Museveni has repeatedly declarerd his rights of deserving to be first President of the Community of East Africa (The Tutsi Empire), and he has a group more than 400 spies in our Country, who are busy tearing apart our Country so that it becomes ready for being annexed and made part and parcel of that Empire, and the success is already clear because of the way that our leaders under CCM, humiliate themselves before the Tutsis.


The terrible mass murderer Paul Kagame has already taken DRC after succeeding in the assassination of President Laurent Kabila and empowered a Rwandese Hypolite Adrien Kanambe under a pseudoname of ‘Joseph Kabila’.

The assassins of President Laurent Kabila fled to Rwanda before proceeding here (in Tanzania) and being transferred to Norway in a high secrecy.

The Rwandan “Joseph Kabila” who rules DRC as a Governor of Dictator Paul Kagame is a relative of the Army Chief of Staff of Rwanda i.e. James Kabarebe, who together with Kayumba Nyamwasa presided over the terrible massacres of 2.5 million Hutus who were in Refugee Camps in DRC, when it was invaded by the murderers of RPF.

It is the ultimate goal for Rwanda that DRC never gets a reliable army until when their plan of their Tutsi Empire will be implemented.

This is why up to 7000 high ranking officers in the DRC Army are of Rwandan Origin.

Hypolite Kanambe (Joseph Kabila) is in DRC for Rwandan Interests with a great deal of patriotism and when Rwanda invades DRC he does theatrical gestures to blind the International Community.

Otherwise DRC could have armed the Hutu Militiamen who are holed up in Congo, who are highly skilled when it comes to militarily dealing with the barbarism of Tutsis.

Even the invasion of Rwanda by RPF was successful thanks to the harsh embargo, that made sure the Army of the Late Habyalimana are deprived of ammunitions.

It is important to know that the Sons of Nyerere i.e. Museveni and Kagame invaded Congo following the advice of their Patron, that stipulated: “Without the Late Laurent Kabila, in the aim of expanding their Empire and plunder tones of gold and other expensive minerals from Gbadolite, Kilomoto, Kinshasa, Kisangani and in other places, in order to economically strengthen their Empire, and to fund their strong propaganda to blind the International Community.

When the World started sounding alarm for that invasion, it is when Nyerere looked for Laurent Kabila, just after 2 weeks of the invasion and put him in the frontline to cheat the International Community that only Congolese people were liberating their Country from Dictator Mobutu!

When the invasion reached Kinshasa, Kabila patriotically turned against Tutsis and told them that it was time for them to go back in their Country and let Congolese with their Country.

The one who had been chosen by the Tutsis to be the Governor of Rwanda in that Colony (DRC), was Bizimana Karahamuheto or, under a pseudonym, of “Bizima Karaha”.

The large scale looting of the mineral resources in DRC is the reason of boasting of Kagame today, of disturbing the peace in the Great Lakes Region, and spreading his spies in most of the Countries in Southern Africa, so that they implement his dirty work before being annexed and become part and parcel of their Empire, it also sponsors the Group of his killing machine (Escadron de la Mort) that is responsible of targeted killings of the opponents of the Rwandan Regime all over the World.

The secret behind this whole issue of Nyerere and the Tutsi Empire was first revealed when he wanted to delay the Independence of Tanganyika under the pretext that the neighbors should first be independent so that their plan be implemented, the swindle that could not affect the heroism of people like Jomo Kenyatta.

When Mzee Jomo Kenyatta realized how Nyerere was playing around with Independence of Tanganyikan People and how, on behalf of the Americaninterests he united Tanganyika and Zanzibar during the Cold War, he cursed that “Certainly Nyerere is ruling a Corpse”! This is why only Tanganyikans in the whole World don’t care about their Independence nor do they care about neither the future of their future generations nor the future of their Nation altogether!
This is after brainwashing them so that they become like the sheep of the Chief, so that they don’t question their enslavement by the Tutsis, for the corrupt benefits of the puppet leaders, those who sell their personality and the future of their Country for the exchange of sweet ….and…that rot and disappear!

This is the time for liberation! This is how our idiocy is revealed to the entire World of the civilized people about the…of slavery of Tanganyika under the name “the Union”, for the interest of the very few serfs in the power, if not one individual only, but with the price of the Freedom of Tanganyika, their respect and identity as a respected Nation from the Prophecy of the Almighty God, and with the price of the wealth of the Tanganyikans and trillions of the money of their blood!

Our idiocy as Tanganyikans is more revealed after Zanzibar constitutionally withdrew officially from that Union, whereby for the corrupt interests, our Leaders evade the truth that in reality the “Union” is now null and void!

With the same stupidity as that of a hen that hides its eyes in the feathers and thinks no one sees it, these too are busy cheating the World that the Union is still alive, and forcing the ordinary people to blindly embrace their trick!

But the truth is that after Zanzibar officially withdrew itself from the Union, Only very few corrupt Zanzibari People were bribed and promised the leadership, so that they shamelessly defend the tricky and fake Union, for their selfish interests, pretexting the parasitic advantages of their Nation in the blood of Tanganyikans.

As the Boa squeezes the body of its prey so that it swallows it easily, it is the same way Nyerere intellectually castrated Tanganyikans and killed their zeal of their liberation and nationhood, up to the level of imposing the “Mwenge” so that they could easily be dragged in the slavery of Tutsis.

The blinding of this magnitude kills patriotism in the aim of every citizen of a country, and leaves the people under the chains of fear in their thinking, instead of heroism for their Nation.


The invasion that Kagame is exercising in Eastern Congo, succeeded a long time ago here in Tanzania.
Unlike in Eastern DRC, in our Regions of Kagera and Kigoma these Guys have even militiamen who are defending their land and their freedom, the same way as Mai Mai.

But our heroism for this Nation has been killed. We are now watching foreigners conquering and looting our Country, and enslaving us in our own Country.

This is the leasure that Nyerere had prepared for Kagame and Museveni for the Tanganyikans.

Kagame has already deployed more than 35,000 armed Rwandese in our Country, most of them being in forests of Buligi National Park with thousands of cowss that they brought from Rwanda and Uganda.

Because they have introduced a strict Law of saving their environment, stipulating that it is prohibited for anyone to own more than 5 cows.

So hundreds of thousands of their cows have been brought in our land through bush routes, and there are some Rwandans who own up to 10,000 cows each in this Country of ours.

Thousands of these cows are known to belong to Dictator Paul Kagame himself and his Ministers and others belong to Dictator Yoweri Museveni, some of those cowss have even NRA Stamps!
Apart from the Buligi National Park, thousands of their cows have been spread inside our forests such as Kasindaga, Katete, Kinesi (Karagwe), Nyakerera, Kyobuheke and Misambya and in other places, whereby Rwandans have given themselves quite large blocks in which the Indeginous are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be killed.

This act by Kagame and Museveni of making our Country as if there is neither sovereignty nor territorial integrity) the same way as their own Countries is the Declaration of War!

It is imperative that we retaliate more energetically as we did against Dictator Idd Amin Dada. Our army is supposed to start serious military drills in preparation for war, and the ordinary citizens must start afresh the JKT (Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa) exercises to defend our Country.

As it started with the invasion of Eastern DRC by Kagame, thousands of Rwandans have grabed our big land by using fake documents of staying in our Country and face certificates of citizenship.

The Kagame’s Spy called Athanas Kafurama has repeatedly insulted our people that they are stupid and that Tanzania cares for only the “Haves” i.e. as himself and not destituted Tanzanians (Have nots)!

Kagame has quietly succeeded in conquering our Regions of Kagera and Kigoma! Even the Kagera Regional Commissioner is troubled by the fact that Kagame and Museveni have infiltrated more than 35,000 military personnel, who came with thousands of cowss especially in Buligi National Park.

Rwandans have taken our big land, without even having the authentic papers to reside in our Country.

Before we explain more about the invasion of Buligi in Kagera Region, we wish to inform you that Kigoma Region has been infiltrated by more than 100,000 Rwandans and Burundians who have already grabed a large portion of our land in their Empire Project.

Further more they are using famous churches in those areas. They have already succeeded in taking over power of our Country, such as a Rwandese called Peter Serukamba who conquered the Kigoma Town Constituency or Counsellor John of Gungu Ward.

Tutsis have been apprehended engaging themselves in large scale bribes with the Village Leaders who are used to grab our land, and they have planned to take up those positions while strengthening their Empire.

The meetings of these Tutsis to take our Country and add it to their Empire, are done in Kigoma Town in Coast View Hotel, to be precise, this Hotel has been built thanks to the capital from Rwanda, which is nothing but the plunder from DRC.

Tutsis don’t hide while boasting that they may not necessarily use military force to conquer Tanzania, they claim they can use bribery and intelligence and take it entirely with no problem.

They know our weakness because they have infiltrated all the levels of our Country leadership, in the Army, Immigration, Financial Institutions, the National Security Department…this is why our dear Country has been used in horrible activities for the sake of Tutsis.

It is also true that our Country has got quite corrupt leaders who can easily be bribed with Rwandans money, their cows as well as the Tutsi Ladies.

This is why they are lobbying and bowing down for this terrible murderer Paul Kagame, while they well know that:

Kagame has mercilessly shed the blood of millions of Hutus, whom he is continuously killing day and night more than Adolf Hitler did to Jews.

  1. Kagame is assassinating people all over the World, using his special military branch: Escadron de la Mort, the same Group that was used to assassinate our learned Lawyer, the Late Prof. Jwani Mwaikusa, for having declared openly to ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) that the first culprit of genocide in Great Lakes Region is Paul Kagame. Kagame was terrified that due to the last report of the Late Lawyer, the International Community would feel compelled to have him arrested and be brought before the law.

  1. Kagame while a Major was at the frontline to have the Late President Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso assassinated in Ouagadougou.

  1. Kagame was in Burundi closely collaborating with Jean Bikomagu, during the horrible assassination of the Late President Melchior Ndadaye.
  2. Kagame was fully in charge of the downing of the Aircraft in which were the Late Juvenal Habyalimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira, presidents of Rwanda and Burundi respectively.
    Kagame is being cursed by the International Community for having done barbaric acts against a Rwandan Woman Politician Victoire Ingabire, whom he has thrown in prison for the only sin of having tried to run for the presidency while she was a Hutu, and for the fact that she was more accepted by Rwandan people unlike him who is smeared by blood of millions of people that he has butchered.

Kagame has sent more than 1,000 of spies in our Country, who are using bribery as a weapon, sex…in the process of preparing the conquest of our Country by Tutsis and being annexed in their infamous Empire as a matter of fact. As explained earlier thousands of them have successfully been able to infiltrate high levels of leadership of our Nation. When they were in charge of Immigration Department, they used that chance to give citizenship to themselves; take important posts as well as grabing our land.

  1. The Kagame’s spies are pretending to be busy following up the Goods for Rwanda and Uganda (through Dar Port) and others pretending to be businessmen or investors while others pretend to be students. The truth is that our Country is naked before the eyes of Kagame, because whatever we do here is reported to Kagame in 24 hours. In the City of Dar, Mikocheni has been the safe heaven for those Rwandese as if they were home.
The East African Community broke up in 1977 because of one reason that it wasn’t possible for the 3 leaders of member countries (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda) to sit together, so as to discuss important decisions to make as far as running the EAC was concerned.
Because Present Julius Nyerere refused to sit together with President Idd Amin Dada of Uganda, whom he accused of being a killer. I can’t sit together with a killer who is blood-stained” said President Nyerere, and the entire International Community was behind him to the extent that his position caused the break up of the EAC!
If Nyerere could not sit together with Dictator Idd Amin, because he had killed roughly 350,000 people, this leading to the break up of the EAC because of valuing the human lives before any other thing, how humane are these CCM(Chama Cha Mapinduzi) current leaders if they can embrace, campaign and even bow down for this monster killer like Paul Kagame, who wildly killed more than 6,000,000 of human beings in Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Tanzania, Kenya and assassinating others as far as Europe whereby they had fled to save their lives?

The most dangerous people for peace in this Great Region are these dictators: Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni who have slaughtered millions of people in this Region, who invaded sister countries of Rwanda and DRC and toppled the leaders of those Sovereign Countries and looted DRC to the level of compelling the International Community to rebuke them the same as terrible bandits!

In which state of mind are our leaders when they go to Kampala and Kigali and sit together with Kagame and Museveni and talk about peace in Great Lakes Region, when these wicked presidents are the reason behind the lack of peace?
Honestly people like Kikwete aren’t afraid before the Almighty God, to the extent of deciding to betray his peaceful neighbor (Rwanda) who was invaded and had her population annihilated in millions because they were Hutus, and instead gave a hand to these invaders?
It is a great shame that our leaders ended up accepting to play as merceneries in order to help Kagame and Museveni with military personnel to wipe out Hutus who saw their Country Rwanda taken away, and heroes who fight against the dictatorship of Museveni in Uganda! This is how God will take revenge over our Country.


First of all, the Rwandese will not be forgotten because of how they brought confusion to the Kagera Region when they entered there like armed invaders and were famously known as “Wanyaru”.
Rwandese carjacked, looted money and other assets of the citizens, and on top of that, theu stole cows belonging to the local people and fled with them to Uganda whereby they replaced them and brought back their own cows from Uganda, which are physically and naturally different from our own.
This is known to thugs as a usual trick. The banditry of Rwandese spread rapidly in Kagera Region, and Buligi became like their headquarters, and this was the reason that this place was nicknamed “Kosovo”.
The entire forest up to Kyamyorwa was a “no go zone” because of the danger of the Wanyaru, and who were chased by the traditional militia of Sukuma People and the staunch collaboration of the patriotic Commandant of Police, Inspector Samson who is currently in Chato District-Geita Region.
Due to the courage of the Sukuma People when fighting with the invaders under their traditionally local defense or “Sungusungu” Honorable Wilson Masilingi being the Minister in the Office of the President and the Member of Parliament of Muleba South, while visiting the Lake Zone Regions, convinced the Sukuma people to move to areas of Kyamyorwa and Kasindaga and in other areas in Kagera Region and that they should be given plots because it is true that Sukuma people are traditionally strong.

The Sukumas agreed to that call and moved to those areas and it is true that they made that place a exemplary food basket for rice, maize, lentils, sorghum, ulezi, serena…leave alone their cows raising.

Later on those Sukumas were transferred to Buligi from Kyamyorwa, due to the request of the current Minister of Land and Habitat Development who is also the Member of Parliament representing Muleba South Constituency, Prof. Anna Tibaijuka, under the argument that that area belonged to the Itente Company Limited.

Prof. Anne Tibaijuka wrote in her book while campaigning for the Parliamentary seat for Muleba South Constituency, that many Sukumas had been given that area of Kyamyorwa by mistake, because that area belonged to the Company mentioned above.

Prof. Anne Tibaijuka admits that she campaigned for the transfer of Sukumas to Buligi and that she herself catered for their transportation to Buligi.
The Sukuma farmers increased in Buligi after their fellow tribesmen who were left behind were enticed by the success of their relatives who had preceded, this was after the change of the area known as “Kosovo” into a paradise of peace and development.
It is true that whe the Sukuma people reached their new habitat “Buligi” thanks to their tenacity and hard work in their daily activities and their heroism in their traditional local defense changed “Kosovo” into a food basket of Kagera Region, they grew rice, maize, beans, lentils, sorghum, wheat, uwele, cassaver, banana, irish potatoes, onions, tomatoes, vegetables and even trees for the conservation of the environment as they had been advise by the experts.
So the truth can not be avoided that:

The burning of more than 500 houses of Sukuma People in Buligi area and others under the cover of “Operation Okoa Mazingira” or save the environment, that aimed at wiping out the Sukuma People and their properties in their own homes.

1In Buligi and other areas where Sukuma People intensively involve themselves in agricultural, the Sukumas were brought in Buligi by the Governement hence they aren’t land grabbers.
2.Sukumas didn’t invade the forests belonging to Rwandese or any other person, because they are recognized in all those villages, even their contribution in agriculture and cows rising.

3.Sukumas didn’t invade any National Park, nor do they have any cow in National Game Reserves, instead the Rwandese have hundreds of thousands of cows in Game Reserve whereby even the wild animals have been killed.

4.The Rwandese spend millions of shillings and cows in bribing the Wildlife Officers and other civil servants.

5.“Operation Okoa Mazingira” didn’t target the illegal immigrants who are Rwandese, nor did it target their thousand cowss from Rwanda and Uganda especially in National Park, because Rwandese were completely spared, instead they were clapping hands for the way Sukumas were dehumanized by that Operation, who don’t even have cows in that Reserve where the environment was damaged.

6.The Sukuma houses that were burnt down weren’t built inside the National Park, but in Official Villages recognized by the Government. A good example is that of 105 houses from Kishonga B the 9th Street in Nyamilanda Village in Nyakabingo Ward and Itunzi Village in Miziro Ward. The Chaimen of Nyamilanda and Itunzi Villages are witnesses, they are also complaining due to the fact that their people had their houses burnt down.

7.The action of burning down the Sukuma houses was accompanied by looting forceful theft of their money, from Tsh 100,000 to Tsh 4,000,000 from one Sukuma person, and they were give fake receipts labeled “CONTRACTORS OF MARKETS/MIALO/FERRIES.

8.The purpoted sentence for the fabricated offences including environmental destruction, deforestation, others were mentioned as the illegal transfer of the cows. We have hereby attached copies of those fake receipts (number 135559, 135519,135562,135356, 135520, 135367).
Furthermore  they looted a lot of money more than they had written on the receipts and most of them didn’t get those papers! This is open theft and banditry. We leave it to DCI and PCCB.
Thousands of citizens who were victims of that barbaric act, fled to churches, to their relatives and friends and most of them were forced to live in the bush, where 3 women delivered in a quite deplorable environment as if they were animals.

9.The Muleba District Commissioner, Lemberis Kipuyo had been contacted by a Rwandese named Athanas Habamungu Kafurama, and the puppet of the Rwandans who is the Chairperson of Kisana Village named Julius Rwecungura, after the collection of Tsh 100,000,000 in a meeting of Rwandese, in their church called Butera on the 31/10/2012, according to their boasting with Kafurama himself, he was seen to preside over that barbaric act, despite the fact that he is number 1 in the District in charge of peace and security!

10.When the District Commissioner Lemberis Kipuyo was interviewed by the Media about that terrible barbaric act, he admitted that the only houses that were burnt down are those that were found in the National Park and it was purportedly done for protecting the environment of Kagera Region and to chase away the illegal migrants who enter with their the National Park with large cows herds.

11.As it was explained by Mr. Lemberis Kipuyo, that barbaric act that was implemented by Rwandese in full collaboration and blessing of the District Commissioner himself, it started on the 3rd November 2012 at around 9 am in Buligi area.

As claimed by the District Commissioner himself, the criminals who persecuted the Sukuma People were: the Police Force Personnel, the National Intelligence, PCCB, the workers of Wildlife Department, workers of Fisheries Department, whom some of them were identified.

The Wildlife personnel, from whom some were identified, the TPDF Personnel who were recognized thanks to their uniform, criminals in the Militia Uniform. Lemberis said that even lawyers participated in this criminal act.

12.When the victims gathered at the Miziro Police Station, the District Commissioner Lemberis Kipuyo came over there himself. But when he was asked to come and see how the houses of his own people had bee destroyed, he ridiculed them even if the distance was less than one kilometer from the Police Station.!

13.Due to the fear of the Sukumas gathering, the Rwandan spy: Athanas Kafurama went to influence the District Commissioner that he should increase the crackdown because the Sukumas were preparing to invade the Miziro Police Station.

This is when that criminal act was doubled to execute Sukumas and to hunt down all those perceived as threats, and most of them had to run into the bush and stay there as animals despite heavy rainfalls.

When the Rwandese knew about the Operation “Okoa Mazingira” that it was initially aiming at chasing the illegal immigrants i.e. themselves, and because they had bribed all the leaders starting from the District Commissioner as they were claiming themselves,
and as they were strengthening themselves with their criminality against our Country, it is the same way they planned to sacrifice the Sukumas. Our Government knew very well the plans of Dictator Kagame and Museveni over our Country,
i.e. plans to invade and conquer our land as they did in Eastern DRC, the looting of our properties, and how they transferred thousands of their cowss in our National Parks and the grabbing of citizens land, and even grazing their cows in the peasants crops, under the protection of our corrupt leaders.

The real owners of those thousands of cowss are the Presidents and Ministers of Rwanda and Uganda, who have relationship with our corrupt leaders or Tutsis like themselves.

This is why the aim of our Government in Operation “Okoa Mazingira” was distorted due to long time corruption while the enemies infilitrate and destroy the environment.

But thanks thanks to the zeal of our leaders who are still patriotic, our Government put its full strength in that special operation “OKOA MAZINGIRA” for the purpose of finishing up completely with that Tutsi Invasion in our Country (illegal immigrants) and removing the cowss that had been brought illegally in our Country, which could threaten our future generations due to environmental destruction.

The cry of the people due to the invasion of our land and the infiltration of thousands of cows in our Country from Rwanda and Uganda started in 2009. When the Rwandese learned about the Operation “Okoa Mazingira” that was targeting them, held numerous meetings in the Church of Butera, which is run by a dangerous Tutsi named Augens. The branch of that Church is found in Cyanyamisa, Karagwe, where it also being used for these plans of Kagame.

The aim number 1 of this Operation was to wipe out the invaders of our Country together with their thousands of Cowss which destroy the environment of our Country, instead the Rwandese people who were the target, changed the objectives of the Operation into horrible crimes against the people from the Sukuma Tribe, to loot their properties and grab their land that they used to grow various crops which are lifeblood for Kagera Region.

During this act of changing the Operation that targeted them against the Sukuma, the Rwandese spread the propaganda that aimed at creating hate between Sukuma and Haya Tribes, due to the fact that a Haya person owning 4 or 5 hectares was seen as an exemplary farmer, but Sukuma were farming up to 50 hectares per one farmer, Rwandese used that factor to saw the breed of jealousy among Haya tribesmen who were easily manipulated to give up our land to Rwandese.

As a matter of fact, some Haya People started claiming that Sukuma people were taking more land than themselves, even if those forests have been unexplored since generations and generations until Sukuma people started developing them for crops to the extent of getting 700 sacks of rice per farmer.

Due to the malice of Rwandese, the Haya from Muleba and other regions where these Tutsis had spread their plan, started ganging up and sending letters claiming more land that was being already used by Sukuma, to the Local Authorities, this was done in order to have that land reduced and given to them so that Rwandese would easily get it from Haya People, who are considered “Soft” by Tutsis.

By using their puppets like Julius Rwechungura who is the chairperson of Kisana Village, Rwandese not only took hundreds of hecares of our land but are also continuously fighting Sukuma people so that they take over their land.

This crime was the reason that compelled the District Executive Director to instruct the Kyebitembe Ward Counsellor to convene a meeting on the 27/03/2012 in which complaints from Sukuma against Rwandese were to be sorted out.
In that meeting, it was concluded that the act of chopping off the land that was bein developed by the citizens from Sukuma Tribe for the agrarian reforms that they succeeded in implementing in the whole Region, since they entered that area between 2007 and 2011.
In the meeting also it was decided that the criminal charges against the Sukuma People be dropped, they had been fabricated by Rwandese against the Sukuma People so that once convicted, they would have their land taken and given to the Rwandese.

Rwandese had a very important meeting on the 31st October 2012 in their Butera Church as usual, under the chairpersonship of Kagame’s spy named Innocent Mchunku Kapilipipli. The main agenda was to raise, through contribution, Tsh 100,000,000 so as to be able to fight off that Operation that was targeting them.
According to our investigation, it was proven to be true that the said money was raised and given to the District Commissioner Mr. Lemberis Kipuyo and his team that terrorized the Sukuma people instead of the illegal immigrants.
The investigation confirmed that a Rwandan named Innocent Mchunku Kapilipili as armed robberer belonging to that group of dangerous gangsters from Rwanda who were famously known as “Wanyaru” under their Commandant known as “Kamanda Dogo”. This Rwandese has already grabbed 400 hectars of our land in Nyamihanda Village, Nyakabingo Ward and Lisana Village in Butera Ward.

This Tutsi owns more than 500 cows. Another Rwandese who was outspoken in that meeting done inside Butera Church is Francis Magege, who has taken more than 400 hectares in Nyamilanda Village, Nyakabingo Ward.

In that meeting also participated the Executive Officer of Kisana Village, the traitor called Johanson Shumuni, Kisana Chairperson, the traitor called Julius Rwechungura and the Counsellor of Nyamtundu named Abdon Krophas.

The traitor named Johanson Shumuni had just been released from a one year under house arrest, for having deracinated the crops belonging to Nyamilanda citizen, so that the Rwandese get a way for their cowss to pass. This traitor of the Rwandese was fined Tsh 70,000 too for the said uprooted crops.

The traitors Johanson Shumuni, Julius Rwechungura and Abdon Krophas together are sued for having illegally grabbed the Mitundu Natural Forest from Butera Ward under the false claim that it was a Game Reserve for the Village but instead started stealing the wood and sending them out of the Country, one the the lorries transporting the wood was apprehended and caught at Katunguru and send to Muleba Police Station, in May 2010.

Surprisingly the suspects have never been charged anything in any court until today, these puppets of the Rwandese are the main players in selling our land to these illegal immigrants. Another person involved in this illegal sale of land to Rwandese is the Karambi Ward Counsellor, Ngote, named Hamud Abdallah, who owns more than 200 nowadays thanks to the bribes from Rwandese.
The Kisana Chairperson, traitor Julius Rwechungura went as far as suing the Sukuma people for having invaded the land that was part of the butcher of those Rwandese!

And he …himself and charged them Tsh 10,000 each. But that puppet was forced by the meeting held on the 27/03/2012 presided by the District Executive Director (DED) to cancel that case, because it is not possible for the Rwandese Citizens to own land inside Tanzania!


First of all let us go back to that dirty Tutsi Legacy that they belong to the Superior Race compared to the Bantus. The crimes committed by the Rwandese include the kidnapping of our people and using them like slaves who keep the stolen cows belonging to our own people. These captives are stripped naked and dressed in slaves gowns and have their names changed.

Good examples include our youth members such as Opecatus Phillip from Nsheshe, Kyebitembe Ward who had his name changed to Peter, and Antelius from Kabanga, Kasharara Village, Karambi Ward, who had his name changed to Rutashambya.

The Rwandese lived in the forest with their captives for two years. One of them was able to flee and informed the Kyebitembe Police Force whereby the OCS Inspector Samson heroically made a quick followup and rescued the 2nd young man. The captors had to run away when they were informed of the Operation to rescue their captives. They were alerted by a traitor who is the Rwabera Ward Executive Officer, Karagwe, a woman named Alfredina.
Those fellow countrymen who were rescued have revealed the frightening testimony of the barbaric acts done by the Rwandese. They have explained various lanes in the bush where they were passing our stolen cows through, communications with their fellow Rwandese over the radio, mobile phones about all the plans of our Government, to chase them as well as our cows that they stole. Those young men explain how they used to hide our cows, and how they lived like wildbeasts in heavy rainfalls, harsh sun and other despicable hardships.

These young men witnessed how one of our people was stabbed with a boiled machete because he dared asking the deserved salary for that hard work of keeping the cows that were stolen in our Country up to the bush. These young men witnessed how their fellow youth were butchered by Rwandese like animals.

Above all, people are much cursing the traitor Jahanson Shumuni who is the Kisana Executive Officer because he kept the secret concerning the terrible Rwandese Killer, Pastor Augens who owns that Church of Butera, when he wildly killed his employee who was in charge of his boat, used in illegal trade in Buligi Lake, after blaming him of theft of that boat engine.

One witness of that killing is Benedict Damian who is that Butera Village Chairperson. This terrible Pastor Augens is also involved in illegal fishing, that destroys the fish population for our future generations.

Another Tutsi who wildly killed our citizen is Pastor Francis Magege who runs a Church belonging to a Rwandan citizen. He killed his herdsman and went to lie to the Police Officers after 3 days that the deceased was bitten by a snake.  When his body was discovered in the forest and checked by Dr. Mtumbi, it was reported that he was killed by a heavey sharpened tool. That was how that Rwandan Pastor changed his statement saying that his herdsman was killed by a Msukuma due to the fight brought about by the fact that he had had the cows destroy his crops. But the investigation showed that the killing was a result of fight over the payments between the Pastor and his herdsman. The main witnesses were the Doctor who carried out the postmortem, Butera Village Chairperson and a teenager who was together with the deceased, who had to flee to Ngara.

Therefore, for the safety of our Country, soverenty and the true freedom of our Nation and the values of our Country of fighting for the rights and humanity, we insist that:

1.All those who were involved in those barbaric acts against people from Sukuma tribe in Kagera Region, this is together with all the Rwandese who were involved in these crimes, must be arrested and be brought to book. The suspects includes the Muleba District Commissioner, Mr. Lemberis Kipuyo.

2.All those people who were victims of these criminal acts must get compensations for all that they went through.

3.Hundreds of thousands of cows that were brought in our Country from Uganda and Rwanda, must be seized and sold, so that the money would be used to improve our National Parks and environment of our Country.

4.Our Country must refrain from any act of invading any independent country in the World, including the invasion of the Republic of Rwanda and the invasion and looting in DRC, that was done by the Tutsis from RPF and Uganda.
5.Our Country must curse the dirty legacy of Tutsis (Black Apartheid) that their fellow (Hutus) ware born to serve them like slaves hence claiming the same rights amounts to rebellion that has to be cleared out the same as Hutus are being wiped out.

6.Our Country must help the World to know the truth about the fact that only the Tutsis carried out a horrible genocide in the World, by killing more than 6,000,000 Hutus, more to that are killings directed by Dictator Paul Kagame, who is the main suspect in the Great Lakes Genocide.

7.Our Country has also to make sure that the Killer Paul Kagame and all his fellows are brought to book and answer for the charges of Genocide.

8.Our Country must repent to the Almighty God for having sponsored all these criminal acts by Tutsis, such as the killing of 3 Hutu Presidents from Rwanda and Burundi, the Late Melchior Ndadaye, the Late Juvenal Habyalimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira.

9.Our country must repent for having welcomed ICTR (Arusha), and must chase it immediately, because it is not a secret that ICTR is a tool to facilitate the Genocide of Hutus by Kagame.

10.Our Country must complain against the torture of holding Hutus in prison-those who were sentenced by the same ICTR-because they are innocent, and the Government has ti defend that they get compensated because of the torture they went through at the hands of Kagame, ICTR and UNO.

11. Our Country must make sure that Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda are expelled from the East African Community (EAC). Because the main prerequisite for membership is human rights, Democracy and the rule of law, but all these Countries are terrible dictatorships and human bloodshading.

12. Our Country must make sure that Dictator Paul Kagame releases immediately, his female political opponent, the heroine Victoire Ingabire, so that only the Rwandese people make a choice themselves on accepting or rejecting her as their next leader. To close the eyes before all this frightnening crimes is a proof that Kagame is not an ordinary person like any other!

Liberty International Foundation

Reverend Christopher Mtikila
(0766 053081, 0713 435016)


Oroginal article is in SWAHILI:

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Muvandimwe, nshuti ya SHIKAMA, turagushimira cyane umuganda utanga wo kubaka URWANDA rushya ubinyujije mu bitekerezo byawe( Komanteri). Kugirango turwanye urukungu rw'Agatsiko ni ngombwa ko buri komanteri ibanza gusuzumwa. Yohereze, irahita ijya ku rubuga mu minota mike niba idatandukira( kuvuga ibitajyanye n'inyandiko), itukana, cyangwa yuzuyemo uburere buke.

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