

Hillary Clinton thought Bill didn't have sex 'of any real meaning' with 'narcissistic loony toon' Monica Lewinsky, secret papers reveal She made remark to best friend Diane Blair who kept file on all dealings They record years of conversations with Clintons on issues Lewinsky She said Bill and Lewinsky never had sex 'within any real meaning' Includes Bill's love letter to Hillary telling of falling asleep to erotic poem New book out tomorrow outlines Hillary's 'enemies list' 'I'm used to winning,' Clinton told Blair, 'and I intend to win on my own terms'

Hillary Clinton claimed that husband Bill didn't have sex of 'any real meaning' with Monica Lewinsky and the former White House intern was a 'narcissistic loony toon', explosive secret documents have revealed.
The former First Lady made the frank remarks to her best friend in 1998 as the American public reeled from Lewinsky's claims of nine sexual encounters with the president in the Oval Office.
Days after the news of the affair broke, Hillary stood stone-faced beside her husband as he vehemently denied any such liaisons took place at a press conference, uttering the now infamous statement: 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman.'
Hillary Clinton
Clintons and Monica Lewinsky
Heartbroken: Hillary Clinton (left) wrote in her autobiography that she felt 'dumbfounded, heartbroken and outraged' at finding out husband Bill had lied to her and the public about his affair with 22-year-old Monica Lewinsky (right) - an act that ultimately led to his impeachment in 1998
Hillary and Bill Clinton with Diane Blair (R), a close friend, in the 1970s.
Hillary and Bill Clinton with Diane Blair (R), a close friend, in the 1970s.
Close friends: Diane Blair became a member of the Clintons' inner circle in the 1970s. In April 2000 the family, including Chelsea (right), spent a day with Mrs Blair (left) and her husband James, in Fayetville, Arkansas. Mrs Blair died in June that year.
Close friends: Diane Blair became a member of the Clintons' inner circle in the 1970s. In April 2000 the family, including Chelsea (right), spent a day with Mrs Blair (left) and her husband James, in Fayetville, Arkansas. Mrs Blair died in June that year.
'I did not have sexual relations with that woman': Days after the news of the affair broke, Hillary stood stoney-faced beside her husband as he vehemently denied any such liaisons took place at a press conference, uttering the now infamous statement
'I did not have sexual relations with that woman': Days after the news of the affair broke, Hillary stood stoney-faced beside her husband as he vehemently denied any such liaisons took place at a press conference, uttering the now infamous statement
She later wrote in her autobiography that in reality she felt 'dumbfounded, heartbroken and outraged' at finding out he had lied to her and the public - an act that ultimately led to his impeachment in later that year.
But it can now be revealed that Hillary, who is now running for the presidency herself in 2016, told Blair he was driven to infidelity in part by his political adversaries, the loneliness of the presidency, and her own failures as a wife.
The revelations come in a collection of letters and notes by adviser Diane Blair, a political science professor Hillary Clinton described as her 'closest friend' before Blair’s death in 2000, that have only come to light today after the Washington Free Beacon published them.
In them, Blair wrote that Hillary said Lewinsky and Bill never had sex 'within any real meaning' and that he 'tried to manage' the 22-year-old but the situation 'got out of control'.
The notes read: 'HRC insists, no matter what people say, it was gross inappropriate behavior but it was consensual (was not a power relationship) and was not sex within any real meaning (standup, liedown, oral, etc.) of the term.'

'I'm not stupid. I know it confuses people when I change my hairdo': Hillary's frank self-assessment

Hillary Clinton told Diane Blair that she didn't much care what people thought of her, including the media that's now having a field day deconstructing her past conversations.
'I'm a proud woman,' Blair recorded her saying. 'I'm not stupid. I know I should do more to suck up to the press, I know it confuses people when I change my hairdos, I know I should pretend not to have any opinions – but I'm just not going to.'
'I'm used to winning,' Clinton told Blair, 'and I intend to win on my own terms.'
'I know how to compromise,' she said. 'I have compromised. I gave up my name, got contact lenses, but I'm not going to try to pretend to be somebody that I'm not.'
HIllary called herself a 'complex person,' and said the media was 'just going to have to live with that.'
'Why can't they just relax about it?' she asked.
Excuses: Lewinsky claimed she had nine sexual encounters with President Bill Clinton, a dalliance that Hillary later blamed on his political adversaries, the loneliness of the presidency, and her own failures as a wife
Excuses: Lewinsky claimed she had nine sexual encounters with President Bill Clinton, a dalliance that Hillary later blamed on his political adversaries, the loneliness of the presidency, and her own failures as a wife
Blair described the contents of the September 9 1998 phone call in a journal entry: '[Hillary] is not trying to excuse [Bill Clinton]; it was a huge personal lapse. And she is not taking responsibility for it,' Blair wrote.
'But, she does say this to put his actions in context. Ever since he took office they’ve been going thru personal tragedy ([the death of] Vince [Foster], her dad, his mom) and immediately all the ugly forces started making up hateful things about them, pounding on them.'
Having a ball: It comes days after a tape allegedly captured Hollywood actor Tom Sizemore claiming Bill Clinton also had an affair with British actress Elizabeth Hurley
Having a ball: It comes days after a tape allegedly captured Hollywood actor Tom Sizemore claiming Bill Clinton also had an affair with British actress Elizabeth Hurley
'They adopted strategy, public strategy, of acting as tho it didn’t bother them; had to. [Hillary] didn’t realize toll it was taking on him,' Blair continued. 'She thinks she was not smart enough, not sensitive enough, not free enough of her own concerns and struggles to realize the price he was paying.'
Hillary told Blair she had received 'a letter from a psychologist who does family therapy and sexual infidelity problems,' who told her, 'most men with fidelity problems [were] raised by two women and felt conflicted between them.'


Bill and Hillary Clinton
Among the documents is a hand-written love letter from Bill to Hillary (pictured on their wedding day on October 11 1975) on the personal letterhead he used in the mid-1970s. 
It includes a confession that he had fallen asleep the night before while reading an erotic love poem from the seventeenth century.
He wrote: 'Yesterday the recurring shakes came over me again and to rid myself of them I decided to go and buy something for you as much to be doing it as to actually wind up with things.
'Although I am Ill and unevenly read there are some books that have made a deep mark on my or simply made me happy or taken me away for a while. At random almost I ran across these yesterday and decided to get them for you. Those you know already you can put to some use. Perhaps the others will bring you some of the good I found in them.
'Solitude and Bread and Wine were selected less randomly than others for they are great books, though not so classic in the popular sense as to render their gift a cliche. The others were picked for various reasons bearing on how they seemed to me and how I thought they would touch you.
'By the time I could call last night it was too late and I was too spent. Today is Thursday. I will be at the little place downstairs in the union at 11:30. If you aren’t there, I’ll understand. And if you are, I will.
'At 3:30 this morning I fell asleep over Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress. It has been a while since I could feel something so sharply across three hundred years.'
Attached to the letter is a photo of a young Bill Clinton holding a saxophone. With it a note reads: 'I thought you might get a kick out of this – I was once even younger.'
She said the psychologist believed Bill's lapse in fidelity was rooted in his childhood.
'He’d read about Bill’s bio; grandmother despised [Bill’s mother] Virginia, tried to get custody of Bill; Bill adored by his mother, but she left him, etc. etc,' wrote Blair.
'HRC insists, no matter what people say, it was gross inappropriate behavior but it was consensual (was not a power relationship) and was not sex within any real meaning (standup, liedown, oral, etc.) of the term.'
Hillary did not reserve her harsh assessments for Lewinsky alone. 
She blasted the string of women who emerged from the woodwork claiming affairs with the president, saying she was 'tired of all those whiney women.'
In 1993, Blair recounted  a conversation with the first lady about Bob Packwood - an Republican senator who was influential on health care but had become embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal.
'HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,' wrote Blair. 'I told her I’d been bonding w. creeps; she said that was the story of her whole past year. Fabio incident—sweeping her up, sending her roses.'
Another confidential memo dated February 16, 1992 and entitled 'Possible Investigation Needs,' tells how Clinton campaign staff hatched plans to cover and discredit stories about the then-Arkansas governor’s affairs.
Written by campaign hands Loretta Lynch and Nancy McFadden, the first item on the itinerary discussed 'GF,' a reference to Gennifer Flowers, the actress and adult model who had recently revealed her 2-year affair with Bill Clinton.
'Exposing GF: completely as a fraud, liar and possible criminal to stop this story and related stories, prevent future non-related stories and expose press inaction and manipulation,' the memo said.
In 1998 Bill Clinton admitted he had had a sexual relationship with Flowers.
Another item, headlined 'Women,' pointed to Elizabeth Ward and Lencola Sullivan, both also rumored to have had affairs with Bill.
'Elizabeth Ward … determine attitude & check out background; Any Reep connections? When does Playboy come out?'
It comes days after a tape allegedly captured Hollywood actor Tom Sizemore claiming Bill Clinton also had an affair with British actress Elizabeth Hurley.
In it he claims the former president cornered him and asked for Hurley's number at a White House screening of Saving Private Ryan in 1998.
Sizemore, who has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, said that the British model-turned-actress and the 42nd President of the United States carried on their sexual affair for about a year before he stopped calling her, explaining that he was beginning to have feelings for her and didn’t want that to complicate things.
Enticing the model to visit him, Clinton is alleged to have said on the phone: ‘Listen Elizabeth, this is the President! I don’t have any time for this s***. I‘m keeping the world from nuclear war all the time. I’m sending a plane to pick you up.'
Sen. Claire McCaskill made Hillary's 'enemies list' because she commented that while Bill Clinton was a strong leader, she wouldn't want her daughter near hi
Sen. Claire McCaskill made Hillary's 'enemies list' because she commented that while Bill Clinton was a strong leader, she wouldn't want her daughter near hi
Endorsement: Army Gen. David Petraeus was the CIA director when terrorists attacked U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. He says Hillary would make an excellent president, but his stock is low since leaving the CIA after his long-time extramarital affair made national news
Endorsement: Army Gen. David Petraeus was the CIA director when terrorists attacked U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. He says Hillary would make an excellent president, but his stock is low since leaving the CIA after his long-time extramarital affair made national news
The claim was denied by Hurley, who described it as 'ludicrously silly,' then by Sizemore himself, who said he had been on drugs when he made the recording and that it was 'the rantings of a guy that it has been well-chronicled had a very severe drug problem.’
Mrs. Clinton is working on a memoir to be published in the spring, and is the subject of a book written by two Politico reporters, to be released tomorrow.
In that book, 'HRC,' the authors recount a 'hit list' that Hillary's aides kept, listing her political enemies who were ripe for retribution. 
At the top of the list was Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, who had said that Bill Clinton had 'been a great leader, but I don’t want my daughter near him.'
It also includes an endorsement from Gen. David Petraeus, who was forced out of his CIA post after his own extramarital affair was revealed.
Mrs. Clinton, he says, was 'extraordinarily resolute, determined and controlled' in the wake of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.
'She'd make a tremendous President,' he says.

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